International Data Corporation (IDC) tarafından, 2017 yılında, dünya genelinde kaç milyon adet tablet bilgisayarın dolaşımda olacağı/satışa sunulacağı üzerine bir analiz raporu yayınlandı.

Kapsamlı analizler neticesinde hazırlanan rapora göre 2017 yılında Android, iOS ve Windows‘lu tablet sektöründe en az 386.3 milyon en fazla ise 407 milyon ünite cihaz küresel dolaşımda olacak ve satışa çıkacak.

Günümüzde ise bu rakam 221.3 milyon cihaz satışa sunulmakta ve ilgili tahmin 3 yıl sonra yüzde 53.5 oranında daha fazla sayıda tabletin satışa sunulacağı bulgusunu gözler önüne seriyor.

2017’de iOS’li tablet oranı %30.6-%35 artacak

İlgili raporda Android‘li tabletiOS‘li tablet dolaşımına dair artış oranları ayrı ayrı da ele alınıyor. Buna göre 2017 yılında, günümüze göre satışa çıkacak iOS‘li tablet oranı yüzde 30.6 ile 35 arasında artacak. Android‘li tablet segmentinde ise artış çok daha yüksek; oranın yüzde 58.8 ile 60.8 arasında gelişmesi bekleniyor.

Android OS: “Ücretsiz”

Android‘li tablet üretimi için şirketler, Google‘dan Android işletim sistemi lisansını ücretsiz olarak edinebiliyor; bu da Android’li tablet üretimini artıran en önemli faktör olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.

Windows‘lu tablet üretimi için ise bir tablet üreticisi şirket, Microsoft‘a “her tablet için 30 ABD Doları” lisans bedeli ödemek durumunda kalıyor ve bu durum en az 1 milyon tablet üretildiğinde, üretici şirkete 30 milyon Amerikan Doları maliyet doğuruyor. iOS ise yalnızca Apple şirketinin ekseninde bir mobil işletim sistemi; Apple’ın insiyatifi altında.

Dünya genelindeki tablet bilgisayar eğiliminin eksiye düşmeyecek şekilde her yıl artmasına kesin gözüyle bakılıyor.

:: Android, iOS ya da Windows; hangi işletim sistemli tablete sahipsiniz?   

Worldwide Tablet Shipments Could Slow To Single Digit Growth By 2017 [Report]

Rob LeFebvre (3:08 pm PDT, Dec 3rd)


International Data Corporation (IDC) released it’s quarterly report on worldwide tablet shipments Tuesday. The report states that the data tracking agency has lowered its expected forecast for growth in the tablet sector, which includes Android, iOS, and Windows tablets.

Tablet shipments are now expected to reach 221.3 million units this year, which is down from the agency’s earlier forecast of 227.4 million units. This new forecast is still 53.5 percent higher than last year’s unit shipment levels, however.


The group predicts, based on current 2013 and historical data, that the shipment growth of tablets worldwide will slow to 22.2 percent year over year in 2014, with a slow down in to the single percentage digits by 2017. IDC predicts that annual shipments of tablets in 2017 will peak at 386.3 million units, rather than the previously forecast 407 million units.

The key factor here in the report seems to be the addition of small tablets into the mix. While the current tablet market skews in favor of the smaller tablet sizes like the iPad mini, the data group thinks that the rise of smartphones with larger screens could well offset consumer preference for these devices, making a possible return to large screens in the coming years a reality. The hugely successful release of the iPad Air may itself point to an ongoing market transition back to larger screens, along with the devices higher price tags.

“In some markets consumers are already making the choice to buy a large smartphone rather than buying a small tablet, and as a result we’ve lowered our long-term forecast,” said tablet research director Tom Mainelli. “Meanwhile, in mature markets like the U.S. where tablets have been shipping in large volumes since 2010 and are already well established, we’re less concerned about big phones cannibalizing shipments and more worried about market saturation.”

The market share for each flavor of tablet is also revealed in the report, with Android leading current 2012 numbers with 52 percent, and iOS taking a smaller 45.6 percent. Windows tablet devices have a minuscule market share here, with just 0.9 percent. The firm predicts that Android tablets will surge ahead to 60.8 percent by the end of 2013, and fall a bit back to 58.8 percent by 2017, while iOS tablet market share is predicted to drop continuously to 35 percent in 2013 and 30.6 percent in 2017.

Obviously, this is all speculation based on current trends, without factoring in any new innovation in the marketplace either in tablet devices or those that may disruptively replace them. Overall, though, it looks like the tablet market is maturing, may continue to favor Android tablets in terms of numbers of devices sold, and will continue to sell well for the foreseeable future.


Worldwide Tablet Shipments Could Slow To Single Digit Growth By 2017 [Report]

Rob LeFebvre (3:08 pm PDT, Dec 3rd)


International Data Corporation (IDC) released it’s quarterly report on worldwide tablet shipments Tuesday. The report states that the data tracking agency has lowered its expected forecast for growth in the tablet sector, which includes Android, iOS, and Windows tablets.

Tablet shipments are now expected to reach 221.3 million units this year, which is down from the agency’s earlier forecast of 227.4 million units. This new forecast is still 53.5 percent higher than last year’s unit shipment levels, however.


The group predicts, based on current 2013 and historical data, that the shipment growth of tablets worldwide will slow to 22.2 percent year over year in 2014, with a slow down in to the single percentage digits by 2017. IDC predicts that annual shipments of tablets in 2017 will peak at 386.3 million units, rather than the previously forecast 407 million units.

The key factor here in the report seems to be the addition of small tablets into the mix. While the current tablet market skews in favor of the smaller tablet sizes like the iPad mini, the data group thinks that the rise of smartphones with larger screens could well offset consumer preference for these devices, making a possible return to large screens in the coming years a reality. The hugely successful release of the iPad Air may itself point to an ongoing market transition back to larger screens, along with the devices higher price tags.

“In some markets consumers are already making the choice to buy a large smartphone rather than buying a small tablet, and as a result we’ve lowered our long-term forecast,” said tablet research director Tom Mainelli. “Meanwhile, in mature markets like the U.S. where tablets have been shipping in large volumes since 2010 and are already well established, we’re less concerned about big phones cannibalizing shipments and more worried about market saturation.”

The market share for each flavor of tablet is also revealed in the report, with Android leading current 2012 numbers with 52 percent, and iOS taking a smaller 45.6 percent. Windows tablet devices have a minuscule market share here, with just 0.9 percent. The firm predicts that Android tablets will surge ahead to 60.8 percent by the end of 2013, and fall a bit back to 58.8 percent by 2017, while iOS tablet market share is predicted to drop continuously to 35 percent in 2013 and 30.6 percent in 2017.

Obviously, this is all speculation based on current trends, without factoring in any new innovation in the marketplace either in tablet devices or those that may disruptively replace them. Overall, though, it looks like the tablet market is maturing, may continue to favor Android tablets in terms of numbers of devices sold, and will continue to sell well for the foreseeable future.